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VROC® initium one plus Automated Viscometer Demonstration

Webinar Download

The VROC® initium one plus is the leading automatic viscometer, measuring viscosity with the highest accuracy (2% of reading) and repeatability (0.5% of reading). Equipped with automatic sample loading and sample cleaning, VROC initium one plus measures absolute viscosity as a function of shear rate across a wide temperature range (4 - 70°C), allowing for unique viscosity fingerprinting of your samples at our highest throughput, measuring up to 4 samples per hour.

Download our FREE webinar recording to hear as our experts

  • Demonstrate the features of our next generation fully automated viscometer
  • Highlight the upgraded features of the VROC® initium one plus such as faster cleaning, organic solvent compatibility, and more advanced software.

This webinar will be hosted by our in-house rheology expert,  Dr. Stacey Elliott, along with RheoSense Field Service Engineers, Nathaniel Grates and Daymian Villapudua.

inituim Model I+ product image (1)
