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Toothpaste (1)

Understanding non-Newtonian Behaviors in Toothpaste

Application Note Download

How Does Toothpaste Behave Under Shear Stress?

In this application note, The flow behavior of WHITE LABS toothpaste was characterized using the microVISC.  The toothpaste exhibited shear thinning behavior and the viscosity was fit to a power law model.  A simple analysis confirmed that the measurement shear rate range was relevant to the application of the product which involves extrusion from a tube. 

Flow is involved in both the manufacturing and application of toothpaste since each involves pumping or squeezing through a tube.  Therefore, measuring viscosity under the appropriate conditions is crucial for predicting processability and performance.  Toothpaste can exhibit various types of non-Newtonian behavior. 

toothpaste shear thinning graph
