Viscosity of Water Soluble Polymers Formulated for Oil & Gas Applications
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Aqueous solutions of high molecular weight polymers are commonly used as drag or friction reducers in frac fluid system pumping applications. Viscosity is an important parameter to predict performance and also to assess structural changes that may occur with aging or after repeated shearing.
In our first webinar of 2023 as we were joined by expert collaborator, Dr. Carl Aften of SNF Holding Company, who will provided a general insight on the various factors that can affect viscosity measurements and how various friction reducers respond to these factors. He also shared his perspective on the use of viscosity measurement for oil and gas applications.
Key Topics Discussed
- Steady shear viscosity data for low concentration polyacrylamide formulations with and without added NaCl
- Shear rate sweep data over a broad range obtained using VROC® technology with a maximum in excess of 1,000,000 sec-1
- Factors effecting viscosity measurements for friction reducers
- A recent study on various friction reducer viscosities with variables ionic strength, shear rate, and product loading
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