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Differentiating Low Viscosity Fluids with VROC initium

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Differentiating Low Viscosity Fluids

Measuring small incremental changes in low viscosity samples is challenging. And when we mention low viscosity samples, we mean low (measuring as low as 0.4 or around 1 cP). Our microfluidics based automatic viscometer facilitates this process using a fraction of the volume required for more traditional methods. 

Join our webinar where we will present data and analysis to illustrate the following.

  • Sample differentiation ability of the microfluidics based instrumentation
  • Relevance to a variety of systems ranging from buffers and salt solutions to protein and polymer formulations
  • Measurement protocol tips to enhance data quality
1. What is the best way to test sample solubility?

There are some best practices when it comes to testing the solubility between two samples. You can do a quick visual solubility check by mixing the two into a new clean (dust-free) vial and checking the mixture. With this test, we recommend also leaving it together for at least a couple hours and if possible, at least one day to ensure proper miscibility. 

Separately from this test, with samples such as protein, it may be easier to work with the buffer which your proteins are formulated with. In the cases with formulated proteins, since you are already aware of the buffer, using the buffer to clean, and then a detergent solution or a solution miscible with the buffer will ensure effective cleaning. 


2. How many shear rates do you recommend to analyze whether or not your sample is Newtonian or non-Newtonian?

We recommend a minimum of three different shear rates when analyzing your samples to determine whether they are Newtonian or non-Newtonian. Separately, the shear rates should have a wide range. The reason for the wide range is because many are complex. Sometimes, your sample will not show shear thinning or shear thickening behavior at low shear rates but will at high shear rates. 

Overall, there is just a lot to your sample that you may not know about until you actually test it. As a result, we recommend testing as much of a range as possible to ensure full knowledge of how your sample behaves. 


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