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Science Vials 2-20

Temperature Dependent Viscosity of Concentrated Protein Solutions

Download Application Note

Concentrated protein solutions experience a broad range of temperatures ranging from cold storage to body temperature or even higher during an accelerated aging study.  Therefore, it is very practical to measure the viscosity of protein formulations at these temperatures to predict the ability to handle or process under all conditions.  There is also evidence that the rate of increase in viscosity with inverse temperature, as characterized by the activation energy, reflects the dynamics of protein clusters or aggregates. 

To continue our effort to thoroughly characterize a model protein, the temperature dependent viscosity of concentrated Bovine g-Globulin solutions was measured and analyzed. 

1. How sensitive is viscosity change to concentration?

Extremely sensitive! We have done some sample concentration analysis with glycerol and small % changes can impact the viscosity significantly. Here are some sample application notes!

- L-Arginine Viscosity

- Concentration Protein Solutions

2. If you can do low concentrations, can you do high concentration measurements?

Yep! Similar to this application note, we have a number of more application notes that focus on various concentrations including higher concentration viscosity solutions. Check them out: 

- High Concentration Protein Solutions

- Optimization of Protein Solutions

About the Viscometer

Learn more about the automated viscometer that compliments Clariti™, VROC® initium.

  • 26 µL of Sampleinitium (no bdg)
  • Sample Retrieval 
  • Sample Recovery
  • Measurement temperatures 4 - 70 ºC
  • Sample storage temperature
  • Intrinsic Viscosity
  • Injectability
VROC initium