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Test Tubes - Minimized

Shear Rate Dependent Viscosity of Concentrated Protein Solutions

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We have previously demonstrated the sensitivity of the low shear limiting viscosity to changes in protein pair interactions induced by varying buffer composition.  However, characterizing concentrated protein solutions with only a single viscosity value is incomplete.  A thorough analysis must include an evaluation of the shear rate dependence to identify the onset and extent of non-Newtonian behavior.  Therefore, rate sweeps were performed on a subset of the concentrated Bovine γ-Globulin formulations with a range of low shear plateau values to assess the impact of the protein-protein interactions (PPI) on the full viscosity profile.


  • Viscosity
  • Protein Protein Interactions (PPI)
  • Bovine Gamma Globulin (Bovine γ-Globulin)
  • Shear Rate Dependence
  • non-Newtonian 
  • Buffer