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BGG Viscosity Measurement with Temperature Sweep - App Note Images

Choose with Confidence! — Protein Viscosity Measurement on microVISC™ and VROC® initium

Application Note Download

Everyone should be measuring viscosity but the circumstances and needs vary from person to person.

Hence, we have created multiple viscometer solutions to best suit your needs. From a portable, quick QC entry level viscometer, microVISC™, a benchtop R&D viscometer, m-VROC®, to our fully automated, hands-free viscometer, VROC® initium, we offer multiple solutions to measure your viscosity with confidence.

At the beginning of January, 2018, we had released a comparison application note explaining equal accuracy and repeatability between m-VROC and VROC initium, which you can read here.

Now, we have completed this application note on correlating the same data quality between microVISC™ and VROC initium. Download the application note to view the data!
