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Viscosity Characterization and Analysis for mAb and Protein Formulations

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Master Class


This virtual course will cover the steps required to create and execute a strategy for complete mAb/protein characterization using viscosity measurements. We will start by discussing how to clearly define your goals and how viscosity data can be used to achieve these. The next step is then to properly design and execute your experiments to ensure that you successfully meet your goals. Finally, we cover the importance of correctly processing, analyzing, and interpreting the viscosity data. Some of the specific topics to be included are injectability, hydrodynamic size determination, quantifying protein-protein interactions, storage stability, and formulation optimization.


Defining Your Experimental Goals

  • Identifying clear testing objectives to support your application.   Understanding the benefits of viscosity measurements and how to effectively utilize the data. A wide range of examples relevant to mAb/protein samples will be used to illustrate these points.

Designing Experiments to Achieve Goals

  • How to identify relevant testing and formulation parameters and then create testing plans specific to your goals.

Practical Preparation for Executing Experiments

  • Choosing the right tools, understanding sample volume requirements, and creating measurement protocols.

Data Processing and Analysis

  • How to identify good vs bad data, perform any necessary corrections, apply a variety of relevant analysis techniques, and model fitting options.

Who Will Benefit

This Master Class is intended for those new to viscosity testing and its application to pharmaceutical products. It would also benefit those currently only performing basic screening and perhaps underutilizing their viscometer.

  • Lab Manager
  • Research and Development Scientist
  • Formulation Scientist
  • Principal Scientist
  • Applications Scientist