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Extensional Viscosity (Blood)

Download the Webinar Recording: Extensional Viscosity with e-VROC: Theory & Practice

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Extensional viscosity is the resistance of a fluid to extensional flow (flow through a field involving a change in cross-sectional area), which is relevant when measuring any flow field involving a change in cross-sectional area. Therefore, extensional viscosity is a fundamental parameter in many industrial processes.

Extensional deformation and extensional shearing have a significant impact on certain industrial processes, such as fiber spinning, paint rolling, roll coating, inkjet printing, spraying, electrospinning, enhanced oil recovery, drag reduction, and food processing.

In this webinar we review the theory behind our flow channel designed to measure extensional viscosity. We will also discuss practical aspects of testing with the e-VROC® including flow channel selection and the potential onset of secondary flows or turbulence.

This webinar was hosted by our in-house rheology experts,  Dr. Stacey Elliott and Dr. Zachary Imam.


