Thank You - Rheology of Food Products
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Rheology and viscosity characterization of food products play an important role in improving their mouthfeel, texture, and stability. Another impact of this work is optimization of food processing and packaging applications.
Please join us for our next webinar on May 24, 2023 Wednesday at 11:00 am PST when we will discuss the use of our VROC® powered viscometers to measure the shear and extensional viscosity of food products including dairy, milk derivatives, mayonnaise, and guar gum.
We explore how we can use m-VROC II to perform shear rate sweeps of dairy samples over a wide range of shear rates for multiple temperatures. In addition, we perform intrinsic viscosity as well as wide-concentration rheological analysis of sodium caseinate, a milk-derivative added to food products for enhanced foaming, thickening, and emulsification. Next, we characterize the shear and extensional behavior of mayonnaise samples to aid with formulation of low-fat and plant-based mayonnaise that more closely emulate the texture, stability, and rheology of full-fat mayonnaise.
Last but not least, we measure the viscosity of acidic guar gum solutions at elevated temperatures to probe the thermal degradation process that occurs in conditions present in food preparation and processing applications.