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Characterizing Viscosity of Artificial Blood Products with m-VROC II

Application Note Download

RheoSense next generation m-VROC® II has been successfully validated for measuring biological samples such as blood products as it requires small sample volume, and with sample retrieval feature multiple measurements can be performed with a single loaded volume.

Moreover, the easy mode (level generator) and automatic testing mode that have been implemented in the m-VROC® II advanced software allow us to measure the viscosity of unknown samples without having an initial guess.

In this application note, we show how we use the RheoSense m-VROC® II to measure the viscosity of simulated blood and artificial plasma during a shear rate sweep experiment. Our goal was to demonstrate the accuracy and reproducibility of the viscosity measurements on m-VROC® II using a measurement protocol combining both easy mode and a predefined shear rate sweep.


