Joint Webinar Hosted with C-Therm!
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In September 2022, we hosted our first joint webinar with C-Therm. C-Therm specializes in thermal conductivity testing including their product, Trident.
This year, we are back and proud to host the second joint webinar with C-Therm where RheoSense's technical team will speak on the importance of battery research and where viscosity should be incorporated during the development all the way to quality control process.
Viscosity plays an important role during the dispensing process of materials such as thermal conductive paste and materials with curing capabilities.
Materials that can be easily dispensed but still maintain their shape once placed are ideal for some applications while having some materials that are less viscous but can spread easily are ideal for others.
Viscosity is also affected by the temperature of the environment and can impact how easily or difficult a material can be dispensed.
Thermal Management of EVs is of great importance to ensuring optimal operating conditions and reducing the risk of thermal runaway events. Key to any successful Thermal Management System (TMS) is a proper understanding of the thermal conductivity of the components involved. One of the most important components in these systems is the Thermal Interface Materials (TIM) as they provide a means of improving heat dissipation between heat generating components and the cooling system itself. While most TIMs end up curing to a final solid/semi-solid state, understanding the precured material performance can provide valuable insight during optimization and development stages. Quantifying stability of these systems related to the fillers can also be important for QA/QC considerations. C-Therm’s Trident platform offers multiple methods for thermal conductivity testing of both cured and uncured samples to understand performance across the various stages of interest.