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Wine Viscosity

Wine Viscosity

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Application Note

Wine Viscosity - microVISC

Viscosity of Wine and Its Relation to Alcohol Content

Mouth feel, alcohol content and other properties of wine can be determined using viscosity measurements.

In a recent Golden Gate Polymer Forum event sponsored by RheoSense, we measured the viscosity of a number of wines that were being tasted by the audience. In this application note, we demonstrate a good correlation between alcohol content and viscosity measurements for wines with similar sugar content using the portable, small sample viscometer: microVISC™.

2021-07-21 11_12_13-Edit Page _ Wine Viscosity and Alcohol Content (1)

Additionally, viscosity can be related to mouth feel and other interested phenomena such as Wine Tears [1], which are a mayor component in the enjoyable degustation of this unique beverage. 

RheoSense viscometers present a number of advantages including:

  • Alcohol content can be determined with a single measurement
  • Viscosity measurements take less than a minute
  • Alcohol evaporation will not be an issue
  • Temperature can be controlled for more reliable measurements 

[1] David C. Venerus and David Nieto Simavilla. Tears of wine: new insights on an old phenomenon. Scientific Reports 2015. 
