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Viscosity Fingerprint


Application Note Download - Characterization of Gamma Globulin (γ-Globulin) and Serum Albumin Solutions - Viscosity Fingerprinting
Application Note

Viscosity Fingerprinting and Analysis - Protein Characterization

Optimization of candidate monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is an essential step in the development of therapeutic formulations. Injectability is a key property required to assess the safety and efficacy of candidate mAb’s. Viscosity of a formulation is the sole parameter that dictates injectability and is thus critically important to characterize during the development process. Highly accurate and reliable viscosity measurements are required during the optimization process.

Since very limited volumes of candidate formulations are normally available early in the development cycle, the ability to accurately and reliably measure viscosity in small samples is vital to success of the development program. In this note, we demonstrate that such accurate and repeatable viscosity measurements of model globular proteins are obtained with 0.5% RSD (relative standard deviation) or better for viscosity fingerprinting using the RheoSense VROC® initium one plus.

Viscosity of Gamma Globulin as a Function of Concentration
VROC® initium offers unattended viscosity measurements at controlled shear rate and temperature. Our most advanced viscometer features:

  • Highly accurate dynamic viscosity measurements
  • Compatibility with HPLC 40 vials and 96 well plates
  • Automatic sample loading, measurement and cleaning

Download this application note to learn more about how VROC® initium would make your viscosity screening hands free, worry free and Simply Precise™.

View our other application notes: 

  1. VROC initium: Automated Screening of BSA Solutions
  2. VROC initium: Automated Temperature Sweeps
  3. VROC initum: Unlimited Measurements with Superior Repeatability 
  4. Simply Precise at any Viscosity
  5. VROC initium: Repeatable Results
  6. VROC initium: Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements of Protein Solutions