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protein ageing salty solutions

Monitoring Protein Ageing in Salty Solutions with Viscosity

Application Note Download

Protein solutions are extremely complex fluids in which the characteristics can change as concentration increases, decreases, or as the solutions even age. Scientists research and monitor protein ageing as part of their development process to understand how proteins behave over periods of time and how potentially the proteins could potentially aggregate. To detect these changes in solution, you can use viscosity as a key parameter. As proteins aggregate, the viscosity will change over time and also can be a key indicator for storage conditions for the protein as its final form and also for use on patients. 

While age and time can be subjective, it is ideal to understand how your proteins will behave and for some applications, to prolong the life of the protein solution. In our application note, we took viscosity data of protein solutions over the course of 92 days. When out of the measurement, the samples were stored in 4 °C. Download the application note to see how the changes in viscosity were detected and what we were able to observe as the proteins aged. 

APP 40 Figure 3-1
