One concern in biopharmaceutical drug development, is the viscosity of high-concentration protein and mAb formulations. This type of samples can easily reach 100-200 mPa-s. Conventional viscometers struggle testing samples above 50 mPa-s. In this Application Brief, we demonstrate the ability of VROC® initium to testing high viscosity samples with superior repeatability.
The test was conducted as follows:
Overall, the glycerol sample was used to perform 18 tests at 6 different shear rates. The Glycerol sample exhibited Newtonian behavior, with an average viscosity of 171 cP at an average temperature of 23.28 oC, with a relative standard deviation of 0.46%. Error bars below correspond with 2% accuracy.
Want to read more about automating your viscosity measurements? Visit our application library! ↓