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Simply Precise™ Viscosity Measurements with Just 18 µL of Sample!

A key application of VROC® initium is the hands-free measurement of large numbers of samples with limited sample volume. This allows viscosity characterization of samples that was previously unfeasible due to the large cost associated with samples and manpower required by traditional viscometry methods.

The test was conducted as follows:

  1. 25 µL samples of BSA (302 mg/mL in water) were loaded into 11 mm vials with 300 µL small-volume inserts (Wheaton)
  2. The autosampler loaded 18 µL of the sample into the VROC® initium unit.
  3. VROC® initium unit performed a measurement with the loaded sample at a fixed shear rate.
  4. VROC® initium performed self-cleaning with preset protocols, and proceeded to the next sample.

8 vials of BSA were tested. The results indicated that the average viscosity of the BSA sample was 5.94 mPa-s at 25 oC, with a relative standard deviation of 0.45%!

 Want to read more about automating your viscosity measurements? Visit our application library! ↓  Viscosity of 18 uL BSA Tests

Table 1. Repeated Viscosity Measurements at Fixed Shear Rate for Small Sample Volume 
Vial # Chip Temp.,°C  Shear rate, 1/s Viscosity, mPa-s
1 25 1065 5.984
2 25 1065 5.904
3 25 1065 5.956
4 25 1065 5.93
5 25 1065 5.943
6 25 1065 5.926
7 25 1065 5.958
8 25 1065 5.913


Download More Application Notes on Automating Your Viscosity Measurements with VROC initium!