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VROC® it!
RheoSense Clariti

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Clariti: The official VROC® software for data organization and analysis

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Clariti is the first software in the market to fully analyze sample injectability as well as calculating and suggesting recommended injection rates based upon your sample data. 

Clariti brings all of your data together into one database, which allows you to easily set filters & criteria and create plots to help illustrate your data. The data analysis function produces easily digestible reports and allows you to tailor your parameters to project recommendations or visual presentations when generating your reports.

Clariti’s advanced capabilities are leading the way in:

  • Data Processing and Analysis 
  • Predictive Injectability Analysis
  • Intrinsic Viscosity
  • Hydrodynamic Radius and Pair Interactions
  • Custom Report Generation

Clariti Apply Injectability 1

